Sunday, May 19, 2013

Bishop and Blake's Resurrected Garlic Bread

Do you ever have an idea that you think everyone already knows and does therefore you don't share it because you think people will say, "Well, duh? We all do that!"  And no one likes that reaction so you just keep it to yourself and don't realize what a simple, yet gem of a recipe it really is.  Well this recipe is just such a tale.
So first the back story- because I ALWAYS have a back story!  I was raised in a very frugal household.  My dad was a manager of a bishop's storehouse (the use of bishop in the title of this recipe is twofold, so read on.)  I'm assuming that most people reading this know what a bishop's storehouse is but in case you don't-this is a place where people who are struggling financially can come and receive food assistance in exchange for some kind of service- determined by the bishop- the leaders of my church's local congregations.  My dad would sometimes bring home the food that couldn't be distributed in the bishop's storehouse for one reason or another.  He hated to see the food go to waste but it couldn't be given out because it had been opened or dented or had mold growing on it- etc,- so we got to have it.  We often were cutting off the mold growing on cheese before we ate it.  In fact my sister was in college before she knew why we cut the cheese before we ate it.  She was cutting the end off a brand new block of cheese before she sliced it for a sandwich when her roommate asked her why she was doing that.  She replied, "Well it is what my mom always did." True story!  And anyone who might look down their nose at this-know this- I have an amazing immune system!
At this point you may be wondering what all this has to do with the recipe.  Well I am currently in the Young Women in my ward and last month we had a fundraiser where we served hot dogs.  We ended up with about 100 extra hot dog buns.  We didn't want to waste them so we froze them for later- not having a specific purpose in mind for them.  Then this month we had an etiquette dinner for our YM/YW and the girls wanted to make fettucine alfredo.  I suggested we use the frozen hot dog buns to make garlic bread.  I had assumed everyone made garlic bread out of their superfluous hot dog and hamburger buns cause that is what my family always does because as mentioned above- we waste nothing even if it means we risk our digestive health.  But apparently not everyone does this because the youth were a bit skeptical.  Now I don't mean to toot my own horn, but my repurposed garlic bread was a big hit at the etiquette dinner.
One of the 17 year old boys in our ward- Blake- asked his mom to get the recipe from me.  His dad, our Bishop called requesting the recipe for the "resurrected" garlic bread.  And thus a recipe- inspired by the frugalness of a bishop storehouse manager's daughter, perfectly named by our bishop, requested by Blake- was born.
Now if you do this already- just indulge me and don't leave any comments saying "Well, duh! We all do that!" because this recipe just couldn't be simpler!

Bishop and Blake's Resurrected Garlic Bread
Leftover hot dog or hamburger buns, hoagie rolls or any kind of leftover bread
softened butter
(All the following herbs are dried)
garlic powder
parmesan cheese- no need to be fancy here- just the stuff in the green can.
Lay out the bread on a broiling pan or even a cookie sheet.  Spread each piece with the softened butter then sprinkle the seasonings over the bread.  I don't even have any specific measurements- I just sprinkle a little of each over each piece like this:

Broil on high for 1 to 2 minutes.  The most difficult part of this whole recipe is making sure your bread doesn't burn so don't walk to far away from the oven when you are making this recipe!  But if you do happen to burn it- just scrape off the burnt parts and feed it to your complaining family and remind them that it could be worse- they could be eating moldy cheese! 


Lori said...

Only you could take a simple recipe and make it into an enjoyable funny post! I was laughing all the way through! I can hardly wait to give Michelle a hard time about moldy cheese! Thanks so much for the recipe. I am going in right now and make some to go with dinner! Love you!

Michael said...

Duh we ALL do that!!!!

Kelly T, that's me! said...

hahaha. I LOVE this story! Not sure why I haven't seen it before, but tonight was my first experience. I love my Kari!!